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Mario Zunino & C. S.r.l. - E. Kant 58/60 - 10088 Volpiano(TO) - Italia - P.IVA 00474790011 - © Mario Zunino & C. S.rl. - Italy - All rights reserved.

News 2008-06-02

CREME BARRIERE PLUS!! Crema Protettiva Idroresistente
Il 15 gennaio 2008 è uscita la nuova crema mani Creme Barriere PLUS della linea corpo HYDRA TENDRE ESTEREL. Arricchita con oli essenziali e senza profumo, è indicata per le persone con la tendenza ad una forte disidratazione delle mani. E' disponibile sul web dal 1° marzo 2008.
CREME BARRIERE PLUS!! Waterproof Protective Cream
Innovative protective cream with waterproof properties, as well impermeable to oils and solvents. With its formula rich in natural essential oils as mandarin, Scots pine, lavender, rosemary, thyme, and cypress, it is recommended for protecting and soothing dehydrated and irritated skin against chemical substances and water. Indicated for preventing irritations and dermatitis. Naturally perfumed. On sale through web since March 1st 2008. See the HYDRA TENDRE Bath Care Line by ESTÉREL.
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