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Mario Zunino & C. S.r.l. - E. Kant 58/60 - 10088 Volpiano(TO) - Italia - P.IVA 00474790011 - © Mario Zunino & C. S.rl. - Italy - All rights reserved.

EQUILIBRIUM Eau de Toilette
*** NOVITA' COSMETICA 2009 ***
EAU de TOILETTE for Men and Women.
Note di spirito fruttate,
note di cuore marine,
note di fondo legnose,
si intrecciano in un perfetto equilibrio di piacere profumato.
Profumo di essenze per Lei e per Lui, in un gioco di fascino, eleganza e sensualitą. EQUILIBRIUM: geometricamente perfetto!
'In cerca del domani: l'equilibrio di oggi.'
EAU de TOILETTE for Men and Women.
Notes of fruits,
notes of sea,
notes of woods,
melted in a perfect balance of perfumed pleasure.
Fragrance of essences for Her and Him, playing with charm, elegance and sensuality. EQUILIBRIUM: geometrically perfect!
'Looking for tomorrow: today's equilibrium.'
50ml 50ml
Parole chiave: ESTEREL, Esprit peau, hydra tendre, TRATTAMENTI SNELLENTI, Nuova_Fragranza Keywords: ESTEREL, Esprit peau, hydra tendre, SLIMMING TREATMENTS, New_Fragrance
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